Faculty Page

October 2019
The INTEGRITY Trial: Preservation of Uterine-Wall Integrity 12 Months After Transcervical Fibroid Ablation with the Sonata System.
Bongers M, Gupta J, Garza-Leal JG, Brown M, Felberbaum R.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this research was to evaluate uterine-wall integrity 12 months after transcervical fibroid ablation (TFA) of uterine fibroids with the Sonata® system (Gynesonics Inc., Redwood City, CA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: INTEGRITY is a secondary analysis of the FAST-EU clinical trial, a prospective, longitudinal, multicenter single-armed trial involving women with heavy menstrual bleeding secondary to fibroids who were treated at 7 academic and community hospitals in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Mexico with transcervical, intrauterine, ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation (the Sonata system). TFA was performed on up to 5 fibroids per subject ranging from 1-5 cm in diameter as determined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). All measurements and comparisons, including uterine-wall thicknesses were derived from baseline and 12-month MRI scans by an independent core MRI center. Scans were analyzed to assess preservation of uterine-wall integrity and reviewed for uterine-wall anomalies after TFA with the Sonata system.
October 2019
The Immune Contexture Associates with the Genomic Landscape in Lung Adenomatous Premalignancy.
Krysan K, Tran LM, Grimes BS, Fishbein GA, Seki A, Gardner BK, Walser TC, Salehi-Rad R, Yanagawa J, Lee JM, Sharma S, Aberle DR, Spira AE, Elashoff DA, Wallace WD, Fishbein MC, Dubinett SM.
Epithelial cells in the field of lung injury can give rise to distinct premalignant lesions that may bear unique genetic aberrations. A subset of these lesions may escape immune surveillance and progress to invasive cancer; however, the mutational landscape that may predict progression has not been determined. Knowledge of premalignant lesion composition and the associated microenvironment is critical for understanding tumorigenesis and the development of effective preventive and interception strategies. To identify somatic mutations and the extent of immune cell infiltration in adenomatous premalignancy and associated lung adenocarcinomas, we sequenced exomes from 41 lung cancer resection specimens, including 89 premalignant atypical adenomatous hyperplasia lesions, 15 adenocarcinomas in situ, and 55 invasive adenocarcinomas and their adjacent normal lung tissues. We defined nonsynonymous somatic mutations occurring in both premalignancy and the associated tumor as progression-associated mutations whose predicted neoantigens were highly correlated with infiltration of CD8+ and CD4+ T cells as well as upregulation of PD-L1 in premalignant lesions, suggesting the presence of an adaptive immune response to these neoantigens. Each patient had a unique repertoire of somatic mutations and associated neoantigens. Collectively, these results provide evidence for mutational heterogeneity, pathway dysregulation, and immune recognition in pulmonary premalignancy.Significance: These findings identify progression-associated somatic mutations, oncogenic pathways, and association between the mutational landscape and adaptive immune responses in adenomatous premalignancy.
October 2019
The Effects of Physics-based Data Augmentation on the Generalizability of Deep Neural Networks: Demonstration on Nodule False-positive Reduction.
Omigbodun AO, Noo F, McNitt-Gray M, Hsu W, Hsieh SS.
PURPOSE: An important challenge for deep learning models is generalizing to new datasets that may be acquired with acquisition protocols different from the training set. It is not always feasible to expand training data to the range encountered in clinical practice. We introduce a new technique, physics-based data augmentation (PBDA), that can emulate new computed tomography (CT) data acquisition protocols. We demonstrate two forms of PBDA, emulating increases in slice thickness and reductions of dose, on the specific problem of false-positive reduction in the automatic detection of lung nodules. METHODS: We worked with CT images from the lung image database consortium (LIDC) collection. We employed a hybrid ensemble convolutional neural network (CNN), which consists of multiple CNN modules (VGG, DenseNet, ResNet), for a classification task of determining whether an image patch was a suspicious nodule or a false positive. To emulate a reduction in tube current, we injected noise by simulating forward projection, noise addition, and backprojection corresponding to 1.5 mAs (a "chest x-ray" dose). To simulate thick slice CT scans from thin slice CT scans, we grouped and averaged spatially contiguous CT within thin slice data. The neural network was trained with 10% of the LIDC dataset that was selected to have either the highest tube current or the thinnest slices. The network was tested on the remaining data. We compared PBDA to a baseline with standard geometric augmentations (such as shifts and rotations) and Gaussian noise addition.
October 2019
Cyclophosphamide for Systemic Sclerosis-related Interstitial Lung Disease: A Comparison of Scleroderma Lung Study I and II.
Volkmann ER, Tashkin DP, Sim M, Li N, Khanna D, Roth MD, Clements PJ, Hoffmann-Vold AM, Furst DE, Kim G, Goldin J, Elashoff RM.
OBJECTIVE: To compare safety and efficacy outcomes between the cyclophosphamide (CYC) arms of Scleroderma Lung Study (SLS) I and II. METHODS: Participants enrolled in the CYC arms of SLS I (n = 79) and II (n = 69) were included. SLS I and II randomized participants to oral CYC for 1 year and followed patients for an additional year off therapy (in SLS II, patients received placebo in Year 2). Eligibility criteria for SLS I and II were nearly identical. Outcomes included the forced vital capacity (FVC%)-predicted and DLCO%-predicted (measured every 3 mos) and quantitative radiographic extent of interstitial lung disease (measured at 1 and 2 yrs for SLS I and SLS II, respectively). Joint models were created to evaluate the treatment effect on the course of the FVC/DLCO over 2 years while controlling for baseline disease severity.
September 2019
Clinical Features of Pseudocirrhosis in Metastatic Breast Cancer.
Munden RF, Chiles C, Boiselle PM, Sicks JD, Aberle DR, Gatsonis CA.
INTRODUCTION: In the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) all cases with a 4-mm nodule (micronodule) and no other findings were classified as a negative study. The prevalence and malignant potential of micronodules in the NLST is evaluated to understand if this classification was appropriate. METHODS AND MATERIALS: In the NLST a total of 53,452 participants were enrolled with 26,722 undergoing low-dose computed tomography (CT) screening. To determine whether a micronodule developed into a lung cancer, a list from the NLST database of those participants who developed lung cancer and had a micronodule recorded was selected. The CT images of this subset were reviewed by experienced, fellowship-trained thoracic radiologists (R.F.M., C.C., P.M.B., and D.R.A.), all of whom participated as readers in the NLST.
September 2019
MILD Trial, Strong Confirmation of Lung Cancer Screening Efficacy.
Schabath MB, Aberle DR.
In a landmark analysis, investigators of the Multicentric Italian Lung Detection (MILD) trial have confirmed 10-year mortality reductions with lung cancer screening using low-dose helical CT (LDCT). These data complement the reduced lung cancer-specific mortality reported in the National Lung Screening Trial and reinforce the rationale for broad implementation of LDCT screening in high-risk populations.
September 2019
A Convolutional Neural Network for Ultra-low-dose CT Denoising and Emphysema Screening.
Zhao T, McNitt-Gray M, Ruan D.
PURPOSE: Reducing dose level to achieve ALARA is an important task in diagnostic and therapeutic applications of computed tomography (CT) imaging. Effective image quality enhancement strategies are crucial to compensate for the degradation caused by dose reduction. In the past few years, deep learning approaches have demonstrated promising denoising performance on natural/synthetic images. This study tailors a neural network model for (ultra-)low-dose CT denoising, and assesses its performance in enhancing CT image quality and emphysema quantification. METHODS: The noise statistics in low-dose CT images has its unique characteristics and differs from that used in general denoising models. In this study, we first simulate the paired ultra-low-dose and targeted high-quality image of reference, with a well-validated pipeline. These paired images are used to train a denoising convolutional neural network (DnCNN) with residual mapping. The performance of the DnCNN tailored to CT denoising (DnCNN-CT) is assessed over various dose reduction levels, with respect to both image quality and emphysema scoring quantification. The possible over-smoothing behavior of DnCNN and its impact on different subcohort of patients are also investigated.
August 2019
An Interpretable Deep Hierarchical Semantic Convolutional Neural Network for Lung Nodule Malignancy Classification.
Shen S, Han SX, Aberle DR, Bui AA, Hsu W.
While deep learning methods have demonstrated performance comparable to human readers in tasks such as computer-aided diagnosis, these models are difficult to interpret, do not incorporate prior domain knowledge, and are often considered as a "black-box." The lack of model interpretability hinders them from being fully understood by end users such as radiologists. In this paper, we present a novel interpretable deep hierarchical semantic convolutional neural network (HSCNN) to predict whether a given pulmonary nodule observed on a computed tomography (CT) scan is malignant. Our network provides two levels of output: 1) low-level semantic features; and 2) a high-level prediction of nodule malignancy. The low-level outputs reflect diagnostic features often reported by radiologists and serve to explain how the model interprets the images in an expert-interpretable manner. The information from these low-level outputs, along with the representations learned by the convolutional layers, are then combined and used to infer the high-level output. This unified architecture is trained by optimizing a global loss function including both low- and high-level tasks, thereby learning all the parameters within a joint framework. Our experimental results using the Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC) show that the proposed method not only produces interpretable lung cancer predictions but also achieves significantly better results compared to using a 3D CNN alone.
August 2019
Lung Ablation: Indications and Techniques.
Tafti BA, Genshaft S, Suh R, Abtin F.
Lung ablation is ever more recognized since its initial report and use almost two decades ago. With technological advancements in thermal modalities, particularly microwave ablation and cryoablation, better identification of the cohort of patients who best benefit from ablation, and understanding the role of imaging after ablation, image-guided thermal ablation for primary and secondary pulmonary malignancies is increasingly recognized and accepted as a cogent form of local therapy.
July 2019
Updates on Current Role and Practice of Lung Ablation.
Abtin F, De Baere T, Dupuy DE, Genshaft S, Healey T, Khan S, Suh R.
Interventional oncology and management of thoracic malignancies with ablative techniques are becoming ever more recognized therapeutic options. With increased understanding, development, and utility of the ablative techniques, the indications are expanding and efficacy improving. Lung cancer was among the first indications for lung ablation and remains most challenging with multiple therapeutic options. For inoperable patients, the current literature demonstrates equivalent survivals between ablation, sublobar resection, and stereotactic body radiation. Oligometastatic disease remains the most common indication for lung ablation and is gaining acceptance among the oncology community, as lung ablation provides limited patient downtime, repeatability, and minimal to no loss of respiratory function. Other indications for ablation are being explored, including recurrent mesothelioma, drop metastasis from thymoma, and limited pleural metastasis, with excellent local control of tumor and limited complications. Follow-up after ablation is essential to detect early complications, observe the natural evolution of the ablation zone, and detect recurrence. Standardized imaging follow-up allows for these goals to be achieved and provides a framework for oncology practice. In this article, the role of ablation in the management of thoracic neoplasms and postablation imaging features are reviewed. The radiologists, in particular, thoracic radiologists should be able to identify candidates who can benefit from ablation familiarize themselves with postablation imaging features, and recognize the evolution of the postablation zone and hence detect early recurrence.
June 2019
External Validation and Recalibration of the Brock Model to Predict Probability of Cancer in Pulmonary Nodules Using NLST Data.
Winter A, Aberle DR, Hsu W.
INTRODUCTION: We performed an external validation of the Brock model using the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) data set, following strict guidelines set forth by the Transparent Reporting of a multivariable prediction model for Individual Prognosis Or Diagnosis statement. We report how external validation results can be interpreted and highlight the role of recalibration and model updating. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We assessed model discrimination and calibration using the NLST data set. Adhering to the inclusion/exclusion criteria reported by McWilliams et al, we identified 7879 non-calcified nodules discovered at the baseline low-dose CT screen with 2 years of follow-up. We characterised differences between Pan-Canadian Early Detection of Lung Cancer Study and NLST cohorts. We calculated the slope on the prognostic index and the intercept coefficient by fitting the original Brock model to NLST. We also assessed the impact of model recalibration and the addition of new covariates such as body mass index, smoking status, pack-years and asbestos.
June 2019
Midline Carcinoma Expressing NUT in Malignant Effusion Cytology.
Shenoy KD, Stanzione N, Caron JE, Fishbein GA, Abtin F, Lluri G, Hirschowitz SL.
Nuclear protein in testis (NUT) midline carcinoma (NMC) is a rare and aggressive subset of poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma that is defined by t(15,19) and typically presents in the midline structures of the head, neck, and mediastinum. We report two cases of NMC that presented uniquely with malignant pleural and pericardial effusions including one with cardiac tamponade at presentation. The first case is of a 25-year-old male patient who presented with progressive dyspnea associated with palpitations and dizziness on standing, found to have large bilateral pleural effusions. The second case is of a previously healthy 29-year-old male patient who presented with progressive dyspnea, cough with expectoration, and a large right lower neck mass of 3 months onset, and a large left pleural effusion and left lung infiltrate on imaging studies. Both cases showed malignant cells on cytology suggestive of poorly differentiated carcinoma. Subsequent histopathological and immunochemistry studies were consistent with the diagnosis of NMC. Both patients had a rapid decline in status and suffered comorbidities secondary to their carcinoma, inevitably leading to their death. It is important to consider NUT midline carcinomas can present in a variety of clinical scenarios, and it is important to consider in the differential diagnoses when evaluating malignant effusion cytology. Utilization of ancillary testing with a broad immunostain profile including NUT studies, as well as fluorescent in-situ hydridization (FISH) studies are helpful and necessary in making the appropriate diagnosis.
June 2019
External Validation and Recalibration of the Brock Model to Predict Probability of Cancer in Pulmonary Nodules Using NLST Data.
Winter A, Aberle DR, Hsu W.
INTRODUCTION: We performed an external validation of the Brock model using the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) data set, following strict guidelines set forth by the Transparent Reporting of a multivariable prediction model for Individual Prognosis Or Diagnosis statement. We report how external validation results can be interpreted and highlight the role of recalibration and model updating. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We assessed model discrimination and calibration using the NLST data set. Adhering to the inclusion/exclusion criteria reported by McWilliams et al, we identified 7879 non-calcified nodules discovered at the baseline low-dose CT screen with 2 years of follow-up. We characterised differences between Pan-Canadian Early Detection of Lung Cancer Study and NLST cohorts. We calculated the slope on the prognostic index and the intercept coefficient by fitting the original Brock model to NLST. We also assessed the impact of model recalibration and the addition of new covariates such as body mass index, smoking status, pack-years and asbestos.
May 2019
Integration of Chest CT CAD into the Clinical Workflow and Impact on Radiologist Efficiency.
Brown M, Browning P, Wahi-Anwar MW, Murphy M, Delgado J, Greenspan H, Abtin F, Ghahremani S, Yaghmai N, da Costa I, Becker M, Goldin J.
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this paper is to describe the integration of a commercial chest CT computer-aided detection (CAD) system into the clinical radiology reporting workflow and perform an initial investigation of its impact on radiologist efficiency. It seeks to complement research into CAD sensitivity and specificity of stand-alone systems, by focusing on report generation time when the CAD is integrated into the clinical workflow. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A commercial chest CT CAD software that provides automated detection and measurement of lung nodules, ascending and descending aorta, and pleural effusion was integrated with a commercial radiology report dictation application. The CAD system automatically prepopulated a radiology report template, thus offering the potential for increased efficiency. The integrated system was evaluated using 40 scans from a publicly available lung nodule database. Each scan was read using two methods: (1) without CAD analytics, i.e., manually populated report with measurements using electronic calipers, and (2) with CAD analytics to prepopulate the report for reader review and editing. Three radiologists participated as readers in this study.
May 2019
Technical Note: Design and Implementation of a High-throughput Pipeline for Reconstruction and Quantitative Analysis of CT Image Data.
Hoffman J, Emaminejad N, Wahi-Anwar M, Kim GH, Brown M, Young S, McNitt-Gray M.
PURPOSE: With recent substantial improvements in modern computing, interest in quantitative imaging with CT has seen a dramatic increase. As a result, the need to both create and analyze large, high-quality datasets of clinical studies has increased as well. At present, no efficient, widely available method exists to accomplish this. The purpose of this technical note is to describe an open-source high-throughput computational pipeline framework for the reconstruction and analysis of diagnostic CT imaging data to conduct large-scale quantitative imaging studies and to accelerate and improve quantitative imaging research. METHODS: The pipeline consists of two, primary "blocks": reconstruction and analysis. Reconstruction is carried out via a graphics processing unit (GPU) queuing framework developed specifically for the pipeline that allows a dataset to be reconstructed using a variety of different parameter configurations such as slice thickness, reconstruction kernel, and simulated acquisition dose. The analysis portion then automatically analyzes the output of the reconstruction using "modules" that can be combined in various ways to conduct different experiments. Acceleration of analysis is achieved using cluster processing. Efficiency and performance of the pipeline are demonstrated using an example 142 subject lung screening cohort reconstructed 36 different ways and analyzed using quantitative emphysema scoring techniques.
January 2019
Calibration Strategies for Use of the NanoDot OSLD in CT Applications.
Scarboro SB, Cody D, Stingo FC, Alvarez P, Followill D, Court L, Zhang D, McNitt-Gray M, Kry SF.
Aluminum oxide based optically stimulated luminescent dosimeters (OSLD) have been recognized as a useful dosimeter for measuring CT dose, particularly for patient dose measurements. Despite the increasing use of this dosimeter, appropriate dosimeter calibration techniques have not been established in the literature; while the manufacturer offers a calibration procedure, it is known to have relatively large uncertainties. The purpose of this work was to evaluate two clinical approaches for calibrating these dosimeters for CT applications, and to determine the uncertainty associated with measurements using these techniques. Three unique calibration procedures were used to calculate dose for a range of CT conditions using a commercially available OSLD and reader. The three calibration procedures included calibration (a) using the vendor-provided method, (b) relative to a 120 kVp CT spectrum in air, and (c) relative to a megavoltage beam (implemented with 60 Co). The dose measured using each of these approaches was compared to dose measured using a calibrated farmer-type ion chamber. Finally, the uncertainty in the dose measured using each approach was determined. For the CT and megavoltage calibration methods, the dose measured using the OSLD nanoDot was within 5% of the dose measured using an ion chamber for a wide range of different CT scan parameters (80-140 kVp, and with measurements at a range of positions). When calibrated using the vendor-recommended protocol, the OSLD measured doses were on average 15.5% lower than ion chamber doses. Two clinical calibration techniques have been evaluated and are presented in this work as alternatives to the vendor-provided calibration approach. These techniques provide high precision for OSLD-based measurements in a CT environment.
January 2019
Computed Tomographic Biomarkers in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. The Future of Quantitative Analysis.
Wu X, Kim GH, Salisbury ML, Barber D, Bartholmai BJ, Brown KK, Conoscenti CS, De Backer J, Flaherty KR, Gruden JF, Hoffman EA, Humphries SM, Jacob J, Maher TM, Raghu G, Richeldi L, Ross BD, Schlenker-Herceg R, Sverzellati N, Wells AU, Martinez FJ, Lynch DA, Goldin J, Walsh SLF.
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic lung disease with great variability in disease severity and rate of progression. The need for a reliable, sensitive, and objective biomarker to track disease progression and response to therapy remains a great challenge in IPF clinical trials. Over the past decade, quantitative computed tomography (QCT) has emerged as an area of intensive research to address this need. We have gathered a group of pulmonologists, radiologists and scientists with expertise in this area to define the current status and future promise of this imaging technique in the evaluation and management of IPF. In this Pulmonary Perspective, we review the development and validation of six computer-based QCT methods and offer insight into the optimal use of an imaging-based biomarker as a tool for prognostication, prediction of response to therapy, and potential surrogate endpoint in future therapeutic trials.
January 2019
Ultra-low-dose CT Image Denoising Using Modified BM3D Scheme Tailored to Data Statistics.
Zhao T, Hoffman J, McNitt-Gray M, Ruan D.
PURPOSE: It is important to enhance image quality for low-dose CT acquisitions to push the ALARA boundary. Current state-of-the-art block-matching three-dimensional (BM3D) denoising scheme assumes white Gaussian noise (WGN) model. This study proposes a novel filtering module to be incorporated into the BM3D framework for ultra-low-dose CT denoising, by accounting for its specific power spectral properties. METHODS: In the current BM3D algorithm, the Wiener filtering is applied in the transform domain to a post-thresholding signal for enhanced denoising. However, unlike most natural/synthetic images, low-dose CTs do not obey the ideal Gaussian noise model. Based on the specific noise properties of ultra-low-dose CT, we derive the optimal transform-domain coefficients of Wiener filter based on the minimum mean-square-error (MMSE) criterion, taking the noise spectrum and the signal/noise cross spectrum into consideration. In the absence of ground-truth signal, the hard-thresholding denoising module in the previous stage is used as a plug-in estimator. We evaluate the denoising performance on thoracic CT image datasets containing paired full-dose and ultra-low-dose images simulated by a well-validated clinical engine (or pipeline). We also assess its clinical implication by applying the denoising methods to the emphysema quantification task. Our modified BM3D method is compared with the current one, using peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and emphysema scoring results as evaluation metrics.